This monthly two hours Evening Group on “Creating Fulfilment in our Lives”,
with half hour meditation/visualisation,
will take place at the magical ‘OF THE BEA’,
organised by the equally magical & wonderful Bea Jenkins and held by me, Birgitta Bernhard.
“During these monthly meetings, we will be creating a space for you, filled with mindful care and support and Guidance, to allow you to not only hear your own TRUTH but also FEEL SAFE in it!
Thus-this space will teach you and enable you to FEEL and BE joyful, happy and at peace!
It will also encourage you to CHOOSE this interpretation of what is, this frame of mind, on a daily basis, combined with a sense of gratitude!
Through our created space - you will receive empowerment.
Empowerment to BE YOU; your beautiful, inspired, and loving self!!!
Each month we will focus on another need or inspired teaching.